MBChB (UP), FCPsych, MMedPsych (US), MPhil Geriatric Neuropsych (US)


Dr van Heerden completed her undergraduate training at the University of Pretoria in 1996. Since graduating as Psychiatrist at Stellenbosch University in 2003 she has worked as consultant for elderly services in the UK, as district General Psychiatrist in Cape Town and as Head of the Psychiatric Department at New Somerset Hospital in Cape Town. Between 2006 and 2009 she was Coordinating Clinician for Mental Health for the Western Cape. Dr van Heerden trained a sub-specialist at Stellenbosch University and after completing her MPhil, became she first registered Geriatric Psychiatrist in South Africa in 2013. Dr van Heerden has been a lecturer at both Stellenbosch University and at the University of Cape Town and is still involved in the training and examination of Registrars in Psychiatry, as well as senior registrars training in Geriatric Psychiatry.

Dr van Heerden consults full time with outpatient and inpatient elderly patients, including those with dementia and memory complaints, neuropsychiatric disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, substance use disorders and those with more serious psychiatric disorders. She has extensive experience and a special interest in therapeutic and supportive work with patients and their families which include the emotional, psychological and practical challenges of getting older, changes in roles and dynamics within the family and in society in general, dealing with loss and finding meaning as part of the aging process.

Dr van Heerden admits patients with dementia, behavioural problems and those with depression and other psychiatric difficulties to Life St. Vincent’s Hospital. Having a close relationship with the SGM clinic, St. Vincent’s has developed a service and therapeutic program aimed at elderly patients. The unit has a free dementia support group for families and an Occupational Therapy program for elderly inpatients with cognitive impairment. Those older individuals, without significant cognitive impairment joins the mainstream therapeutic program. When indicated, the unit can appoint full time carers to elderly patients during admission.

To make an appointment with Dr. Van Heerden
Call Lucinda, on 0212005924
Email Lucinda, at drsvh@sgmclinic.co.za