MBChB (UP), FCPsych, MMedPsych (US), MPhil Geriatric Neuropsych (US)


Dr van Heerden completed her undergraduate training at the University of Pretoria in 1996. Since graduating as Psychiatrist at Stellenbosch University in 2003 she has worked as consultant for elderly services in the UK, as district General Psychiatrist in Cape Town and as Head of the Psychiatric Department at New Somerset Hospital in Cape Town. Between 2006 and 2009 she was Coordinating Clinician for Mental Health for the Western Cape. Dr van Heerden trained a sub-specialist at Stellenbosch University and after completing her MPhil, registered as Geriatric Psychiatrist in 2013.

Dr van Heerden consults exclusively with outpatient and inpatient elderly patients, including those with dementia and memory complaints, neuropsychiatric disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, substance use disorders and those with more serious psychiatric disorders. She has extensive experience and a special interest in therapeutic and supportive work with patients and their families which include the emotional, psychological and practical challenges of getting older, changes in roles and dynamics within the family and in society in general, dealing with loss and finding meaning as part of the aging process.

Dr van Heerden admits patients with dementia, behavioural problems and those with depression and other psychiatric difficulties to Life St. Vincent’s Hospital. Having a close relationship with the SGM clinic, St. Vincent’s has developed a service and therapeutic program aimed at elderly patients. The unit has a free dementia support group for families and a unique Occupational Therapy program for elderly inpatients with cognitive impairment. Our dedicated Occupational Therapist may also do full functional and care assessments while a patient is admitted to St. Vincent’s. Those older individuals, without significant cognitive impairment joins the mainstream therapeutic program. When indicated, the unit can appoint full time carers to elderly patients during admission.

To make an appointment with Dr. Van Heerden
Call Lucinda, on 0212005924
Email Lucinda, at drsvh@sgmclinic.co.za

MBChB (Stellenbosch), FCP(SA), Certificate in Geriatrics(SA)


I completed my undergraduate medical training at the University of Stellenbosch in 1995. In 2002, after training at the University of Cape Town, I qualified as a Specialist Physician and then continued my training to attain my Certificate in Geriatrics from the Colleges of Medicine of South African in 2004.

I have been in private practice as a Specialist Geriatrician since 2006 and ran a successful outpatient Care of the Elderly service in the greater Cape Town area from my rooms in Rondebosch. During this time, I also worked as a Sessional Geriatric Specialist in the Department of Geriatric Medicine at Groote Schuur Hospital.

I love meeting older persons and helping them as much as I can and I enjoy all aspects of Geriatric Medicine. I have special interests in
  • helping older persons with complex multimorbidity-polypharmacy (too many illnesses and too many pills) and
  • managing all types of cognitive impairments including dementias. I believe the care of a person suffering from dementia should be holistic, incorporating
    • person-centered care
    • proper investigation and diagnosis of the condition
    • individualized, appropriate non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatment strategies for the dementia and the complications of the dementia
    • helping the person and their family travel the dementia road as smoothly as possible by educating them about the disease, planning for future care options, and having realistic expectations
    • a multidisciplinary team when needed.

The Specialist Geriatric and Memory Clinic at Life Vincent Pallotti Hospital provides me with the ongoing opportunity to work with my specialist colleagues, Dr. Faheema Parker, Dr. Mari Retief and Dr. Surita van Heerden, in creating a holistic, available and expert private geriatric service for all people over 60 years old. My practice is mainly outpatient based.

I am married to Dr. Dirk van Zijl, a Specialist Anaesthesiologist, and I have 2 daughters. I love to draw, walk in the outdoors and birdwatch. I also love my pet dogs.

I am actively involved in the South African Geriatric Society and support the growth and expansion of Geriatrics in South Africa and the training of doctors in Geriatric medicine.
Dr K Ross PAIA Manual

MBCHB(Stell), FCP(SA), Certificate in Geriatric Medicine (SA)


Dr Faheema Parker is a Specialist Physician and Sub-specialist Geriatrician in private practice at Life Vincent Pallotti Hospital in Cape Town. Dr Parker obtained her MBChB degree from the University of Stellenbosch and furthered her post graduate training at the University of Cape Town and Groote Schuur Hospital.

She is one of the founding members of the only private combined specialist geriatric medical & psychiatry clinic, which is based at Life Vincent Pallotti Hospital in Cape Town. Dr Parker is an active member, and the current treasurer of the South African Geriatric Society. She is an associate lecture of the Universities of Cape Town and Stellenbosch.

Her passion for optimizing the care of older patients has provided her with opportunities to be involved in local community forums and to travel within Africa, educating medical students, healthcare workers , and colleagues regarding the challenges the older patient encounters. She strives to educate families, caregivers, and nursing staff to ensure patients’ needs are fulfilled.

MBCHB, DMH, FCPsych, MMed(Psych), Cert(Neuropsychiatry), MPhil(Neuropsychiatry)


Dr Mari Retief completed her undergraduate training at Stellenbosch University in 2007. After internship and community service in Johannesburg, she returned to Stellenbosch University where she then specialized in Psychiatry and later in Neuropsychiatry. During this time she won the MS Bell prize for best registrar research project, as well as presenting her MPhil research at an international congress. She has been in private practise since 2018. She also hold a sessional post at the Grootte Schuur Memory clinic, where she is involved in training as UCT honorary senior lecturer and forms part of a multidisciplinary academic team.
Neuropsychiatry is the specialist field straddling psychiatry and neurology, and includes patients with dementia (of any age), memory and cognitive complaints. It also includes the management of behavioral and psychological difficulties due to traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, Parkinsons disease, stroke, HIV, SLE, Multiple Sclerosis and Neurosyphilis.

In contrast to geriatricians, Dr Retief see patients across a wide age range. Her assessments include neurocognitive bedside screening as indicated. She uses psychotropic medication judiciously taking care not to overmedicate this vulnerable population of patients.

When necessary Dr Retief will admit patients to Life St. Vincents Psychiatric Hospital. The unit has developed a service and therapeutic program aimed at elderly patients. Younger patients with neuropsychiatric difficulties can participate in the separate mainstream therapeutic program also offered at St.Vincents.

Dr Retief continues to see and welcomes patients with general psychiatric difficulties such as mood, anxiety, and psychotic disorders. She aims to provide a safe space where patients can be treated holistically, empathically and without any judgement. Dr Retief lives with her husband and two children at the foot of Table Mountain. She enjoys a good meal, a thoughtful movie and an occasional run if she finds the time!