MBCHB(Stell), FCP(SA), Certificate in Geriatric Medicine (SA)

Dr Faheema Parker is a Specialist Physician and Sub-specialist Geriatrician in private practice at Life Vincent Pallotti Hospital in Cape Town. Dr Parker obtained her MBChB degree from the University of Stellenbosch and furthered her post graduate training at the University of Cape Town and Groote Schuur Hospital.

She is one of the founding members of the only private combined specialist geriatric medical & psychiatry clinic, which is based at Life Vincent Pallotti Hospital in Cape Town. Dr Parker is an active member, and the current treasurer of the South African Geriatric Society. She is an associate lecture of the Universities of Cape Town and Stellenbosch.

Her passion for optimizing the care of older patients has provided her with opportunities to be involved in local community forums and to travel within Africa, educating medical students, healthcare workers , and colleagues regarding the challenges the older patient encounters. She strives to educate families, caregivers, and nursing staff to ensure patients’ needs are fulfilled.

To make an appointment with Dr Parker please
Call my medical receptionist, Julietha, on 0212005924
Email my medical receptionist, Julietha, on gerireception@sgmclinic.co.za
Account queries for Dr. Parker: please email Abdeah on accounts.drfparker@sgmclinic.co.za